Facility Vulnerability with VISAC

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Facility Geometry Viewers

In addition to the geometry editor Edificio, VISAC has a set of viewers to provide detailed views in both 2D and 3D. These are used for viewing the facility geometry models as well as viewing the damage results from incidents.

Triple View Slicer Icon 2D Triple View Slicer Shows three section views, like a standard engineering drawing.
QuickView 3D Icon QuickView 3D Interactive scengraph viewer. Approximates curved surfaces with sets of planes.
3D Ray Tracer Icon 3D Ray Tracer Precision renderer for presentation-quality graphics.
Topographic Viewer Icon Topographic Viewer Used for terrain contour maps and elevation shading maps.

These viewers all have similar menu structures and display VISAC models using a standard color scheme:

BRL CodeColorMaterial
600-699yellowrebar steel
700-799light grayrock rubble
800-899bluesteel plate
900-999redcritical components
911cyanbroken critical components
111dark grayholes generated by QuickBlast
---very light grayinteriors of basic models

In these viewers, the colors for each material type present can also be selected by the user by using the 'Geometry' menu, 'Materials/Colors' option.

The 'File' menu in any of the viewers allows the geometry to be exported or the current image to be saved.

Oak Ridge National Laboratory, 2004

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