Facility Vulnerability with VISAC

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File Format

The files used by VISAC are based on the BRL-CAD system. BRL-CAD uses several formats, one of which is a text file that consists of instructions that the user would ordinarily type at the user command prompt. The following table lists the subset of BRL-CAD commands that VISAC and its viewers use:

title title Description follows
units units feet
in in solidname type param_1 ... param_n
regdef regdef id air los material
r r regionname operator_1 solidname_1 ... operator_n solidname_n
g g regionname_1 ... regionname_n

The following solid types can be used by VISAC: rpp, arb8, trc, ellg, rcc, sph. The material codes that VISAC uses are 100-air, 500-concrete, 900-critical component. Comments can be inserted into the file using "/*" at the beginning and "*/" at the end of each comment line.

In addition to the above BRL-CAD commands, the geometry files that VISAC uses can also contain VISAC-specific information. Each geometry file should represent a single building. The extra information to describe the building is listed in the file using the "visac" command:

visac keyword param_1 ... param_n
with one of the following keywords:

name name buildingname
description description description follows
ground ground groundlevel
sinkage sinkage sinkagevalue
angle angle rotationangle
floors floors lower_1 upper_1 ... lower_n upper_n
total total operator_1 solidname_1 ... operator_n solidname_n
toptotal toptotal operator_1 solidname_1 ... operator_n solidname_n
soil soil solidname_1 ... solidname_n

The name should be a short string and the same as the highest level group defined for the building. The total and toptotal are defined just like BRL-CAD regions. The soil command lists all of the soil cut-out regions. Floor values include two values per floor - the lower and upper. Use of the "*" in group definitions should be used carefully and should follow at least one character. ("power*.r*" is okay, "*.r1" is not.)


units feet
visac name    p01int
visac ground  12.3
visac sinkage 40.3
visac floors  -24.0 12.8
visac description Intake Building
/* p01int.txt  Intake Building            Date: January 16, 2002 */
/* consists of the intake building and a small pit next to the building */
/* origin:   0.00 196.00 -28.00  (4' walls, floor, and roof) */
in p01int1f.s1  rpp   0.00  60.00 196.00 320.00 -28.00 -24.00
in p01int1r.s1  rpp   0.00  60.00 196.00 320.00  12.80  15.80
in p01int1w.s1  rpp   0.00  60.00 196.00 200.00 -24.00  12.80
in p01int1w.s2  rpp   0.00  60.00 316.00 320.00 -24.00  12.80
in p01int1w.s3  rpp  56.00  60.00 200.00 316.00 -24.00  12.80
in p01int1w.s4  rpp   0.00   4.00 200.00 316.00 -24.00  12.80
/* origin:  60.00 249.00 6.  (2' walls and floor, no roof)*/
in p01int2f.s1  rpp  60.00  78.00 249.00 275.30  4.     6.
in p01int2w.s1  rpp  60.00  78.00 249.00 251.00  6.  15.80
in p01int2w.s2  rpp  60.00  78.00 273.30 275.30  6.  15.80
in p01int2w.s3  rpp  76.00  78.00 251.00 273.30  6.  15.80
/* total solids */
in totalint01.s1 rpp   0.00  60.00 196.00 320.00 -28.00 15.80
in totalint01.s2 rpp  60.00  78.00 249.00 275.30   6.00 15.80
in toptotal.s1   rpp   0.00  60.00 196.00 320.00 0. 1. 
in toptotal.s2   rpp  60.00  78.00 249.00 275.30 0. 1. 
in sinkint01.s1  rpp   0.00  60.00 196.00 320.00 -28.00 15.80
in sinkint01.s2  rpp  60.00  78.00 249.00 275.30   4.00 15.80
visac total     u totalint01.s1 u totalint01.s2
visac toptotal  u toptotal.s1 u toptotal.s2 
visac soil      sinkint01.s1 sinkint01.s2 
regdef 1001 0 100 500
r p01int1f.r1  u p01int1f.s1
r p01int1r.r1  u p01int1r.s1
r p01int1w.r1  u p01int1w.s1
r p01int1w.r2  u p01int1w.s2
r p01int1w.r3  u p01int1w.s3
r p01int1w.r4  u p01int1w.s4
r p01int2f.r1  u p01int2f.s1
r p01int2w.r1  u p01int2w.s1
r p01int2w.r2  u p01int2w.s2
r p01int2w.r3  u p01int2w.s3
g p01int1 p01int1f.r1  p01int1r.r1  p01int1w.r*
g p01int2 p01int2f.r1  p01int2w.r*
g p01int p01int1  p01int2

Oak Ridge National Laboratory, 2004

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